Sierra, The Urban Rangers Trailer.. Emergency/Sierra crossover special production. Link that leads to Youtube and the trailer for Episode 55, The Urban Rangers at ETL (Emergency Theater Live- ) May 2011. Video Link- *Closed captioned for the hearing impaired. VIDEO STARTS. (A logo from Emergency superimposed and blending into that of Sierra's.) (Roy and Johnny in street shirts arriving at a ranger station office.) Roy DeSoto- Are you the chief ranger? (A moustached park ranger greeting them.) Jack Moore- Uh, yeah. What can I do for you? Johnny Gage- Well, ah. I'm Johnny Gage. This is Roy DeSoto. We're from the Los Angeles County Fire Department. (Image of the logo of the L.A. County Fire Department on a firetruck door.) (The ranger sitting at a desk wearing a uniform and badge.) Jack Moore- Oh, oh. oh! Good to see ya! Johnny Gage- (chuckling) (A shot of a ranger's hat sitting on a pair of leather boots on a lawn.) Jack Moore- We were expecting you. Jack Moore- Ah, okay everybody. Umm. Gentlemen, uh John and uh Roy here are the first installment in our exchange training program with the L.A. County Fire Department. Now, they're up here to learn something about our technique, but, if you play your cards right, I think you can pick their brains a little bit, too. Maybe we'll all learn something. (Image of a room full of park rangers at a lodge with Roy and Johnny.) (Captain Moore and P.J. both laughing in their ranger uniforms.) (A woman park ranger, smiling and commenting by a rock cabin.) (Park rangers following Roy and Johnny out of the lodge at Yosemite.) (Johnny Gage looking at Tim Cassidy over the roof of a ranger patrol car.) (An animation of a Yosemite water fall in sunlight among pine trees.) (A white sun, clear sky by Half Dome, in a shadowed valley.) (An animation of a flying bald eagle.) (A woodland lake surrounded by pine trees.) TV Series Title Sequence -------------------------------- (Sierra's television title floating over an airbourne view of the Sierra Nevada mountains.) Singer Denny Brooks- Music by Lee Holdridge- Lyrics by John Denver- Song lyrics are- Sierra majesty, beneath the sky. (Show credits naming where the series is filmed on location in the Sierra Nevada wilderness.) (Show credits naming Randolph Mantooth as Fireman Gage.) Sierra wilderness, where eagles fly. (Show credits naming Kevin Tighe as Fireman DeSoto.) She is my Life to me, she is my Home. (An image of a pine encircled lake with Sierra's title song lyrics and writers posted.) Her Children comfort me, when I'm alone. (A still shot of a grizzly bear walking in thick woods.) (An animation of a flowing river by autumn colored trees.) Sierra come with me, to meet my Friend, (Emergency's DVD logo in lettering.) (Emergency's logo blending into Sierra's TV logo over a mountain view.) (Sierra's logo alone in the sky over the mountains.) Sierra learn with me, where Life began. (Roy and Johnny standing in Ranger Moore's office, smiling.) (Park Ranger Tim Cassidy, laughing in a close up.) There is so much to Know, so much to See. (Julie Beck, lady ranger, wearing her hat, walking by Johnny Gage outside.) (Gage looking amazed at Julie being a woman ranger.) Come share my Mountain home. (Tim Cassidy laughing again at Gage thinking Julie's a prospective date.) Come share my Life with me." (Gage asking about Julie of Tim in a ranger patrol car.) (The patrol car pulling away onto a dirt forest road.) (An animation of a brown bear, walking and waving his head.) (The Sierra/Emergency blended logo floating in Half Dome's sunny sky at Yosemite.) Johnny Gage- Holy smoke. Looks like a twister hit this place. (Roy and Johnny in plaid felt shirts on a porch with their hands on hips.) (Tim and Harper in ranger uniforms looking matter of factly to the side.) Tim Cassidy- No, just a bear. (A woman camper preparing a ham on a picnic table.) (Cruncher the grizzly bear walking towards her.) (Cruncher helping himself to the lady's ham while she watches in horror.) (A brightly colored rescue truck labelled Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team.) Roy-(on radio) This is Roy DeSoto. Harper's chasing a horse in the meadow near Cascade Ridge. The rider may have possible serious injuries. (A team of Sierra rangers in bright helmets, carrying a stokes up a steep pine treed slope.) Radio-##10-4. Any available units, respond to that area.## (An animation of brightly colored changed autumn leaves by a tranquil rippling lake.) (Johnny Gage loafing in a hammock and sleeping bag.) (Roy grinning in a sweater, close up.) (Julie Beck, the park ranger, grinning happily.) Roy- You got a date with her? (Johnny Gage in his paramedic shirt, looking defensive.) Johnny- Yeah. One o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I mean we still have plenty of time to make a nice light climb. Heh. (P.J, the park ranger, looking skeptical at Johnny's dating plans.) (Tim Cassidy, laughing again at Johnny.) Roy- There's nothing that'll keep your mind off women? (Roy nose to nose with Johnny, asking him a frank question by lockers.) Johnny- Yeah, probably. It's just that I haven't found it yet.(chuckling) (Gage grinning in a country western shirt.) (The hot sun over Half Dome in Yosemite.) (Roy and Johnny preparing rappelling gear from their car trunk.) (Johnny scaling rocks wearing a rope harness.) (Roy offering him support on a rope line on a cliff's ledge.) (An animation of a pristine waterfall in sunlight.) (Gage, barely seen in the distance, hanging off a cliff on a rope.) Matt- Julie, do you have any idea about where they were going to go climbing? (Captain Jack Moore sitting at his station desk, looking worried.) Julie- Not a whisper. They said something easy. Johnny and I were supposed to have a date at one o'clock. (Sierra park rangers carrying a stokes down a dry grassy hill by pine trees.) (Julie Beck in close up wearing her ranger's uniform and hat.) Tim- That's a help. There are ten easy climbs around here they could have tried. (A helmeted park ranger rigging a weigh line and rescue stokes to belay in the pine trees.) Matt- Then we're just going to have to cover them all. Let's go. (Park rangers and L.A. county firefighters carrying rescue stokes and gear in teams.) Johnny- Hey! Hey! Over here! (Johnny Gage in his fire helmet with a male victim under a burning table.) (A helmeted park ranger looking down a cliff at Johnny in a close up.) (Rangers by a rescue sheriff paramedic's SUV.) (A fire jacketted hand grabbing a hand and pulling someone out of water.) (A tired looking dusty Gage in sunlight.) Um, where's uh, ...where's Roy? (Tim Harper in ranger's shirt and helmet standing by Gage in his uniform and helmet outside.) Tim- He took kind of a bad spill. (Julie Beck pupil checking a rock fallen and unconscious Roy DeSoto.) Johnny- Oh yeah? Tim- Yeah. Julie's taking him to the hospital. (Ranger teams organizing Roy's extrication using a stokes and helicopter.) (The Sierra Madre team's rescue truck on a road.) (Gage looking after it as it drives away, by mountains.) (Rangers Harper and Tim standing by a fence in front of a forest cabin.) (Roy lying on a stretcher inside of a red ambulance, unconscious.) (A bear coming down a road.) (An extreme close up of a growling grizzly bear's face looking at you.) Cruncher- Rhhhr. (brown bear on the prowl) Rrrrrh. Johnny- All right, uh, listen, you're the boss, what are we gonna do? (Gage looking scared and sweaty in a close up as he looks at danger.) (A pine forest view in sunlight.) (An animated banner about The Urban Ranger's story featuring animations of a flying eagle, a walking bear and a ranger climbing a rope all superimposed over rock, river and mountain landscapes with members of Sierra's rescue team appearing with Roy and Johnny in a collage.) (A black sign saying, "Now in active production before a live audience.") Moore- Attention search parties. This is 302. We've located Fireman Gage on Sheep's Head Dome. He's got an injured climber with him. (An animated close up of a clear waterfall with low plants and moss.) (An animation of a CB radio broadcasting Ranger Jack Moore's message.) We're gonna need help with the evacuation. Please report to the scene as soon as possible. (Emergency Theater Live's logo in burning animated flames showing Roy and Johnny by the squad, Rampart, the station and surrounded by flames and smoke while they prepare an injection.) VIDEO ENDS.