Hostage, by Susan Keenan, is a written, but never filmed writer's script from the actual TV
series Emergency!
********************************************************* From: "patti keiper" <>
Date: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:01 am Subject: Hostage- Opening Tease Scene..
Mark VII Limited© and Universal Studios© Production # 37411 Original Teleplay Character Dialogue
was written by Susan Keenan©.
Technical Advisor: LACoFD FF/PM Jim Easley Producer: William
It was day, most likely, in the heart of a living room, on fire. The smoke was so
thick, anything even attempted to be seen was nothing more than a gray void. Sounds filled the flame
muffled space; it was the hissing of steady breathing coming from scba masks.
The ghostly figures
of firemen paramedics Gage and DeSoto stuck close to the floor as they searched for something or
someone. The scene was eerie with only their own sounds and the hiss of the fire.
slowly, both turnout protected paramedics left the living room and went down a hallway, still moving
along on their stomachs under the layer of clearer, cooler air. They entered the first door they came
It was a child's bedroom. From what they could see of it, it was a mess. The smoke
was still very heavy and some of the room still smouldered with small fires. Everything was wet from
the hose cannon and part of the ceiling had collapsed. Roy and Johnny checked carefully so they wouldn't
miss anything.
Gage gasped, starting to feel the heat. "He's got to be right near here.." he
said loudly in frustration so Roy, lying next to him, could hear. Johnny thrust another couple of
feet of charged hose ahead of himself as Roy swung his flashlight from one spot to another. Suddenly,
its light caught the glint off a fireman's hat.
Roy shouted. "There he is!"
The two paramedics moved as quickly as they could to Firefighter Roger Demick's side. He had been
knocked down by a section of the collapsed ceiling. His air line had been torn open and his neck cut
by a piece of mirror that had fallen with him. As Roy and Johnny uncovered Demick, they checked his
pulse and respirations and began to apply pressure to the wound on his neck to control the bleeding.
DeSoto caught his breath even as he sighed in relief that they still had somebody to rescue.
"I think I can carry him okay... if you'd help me get a good hold on him."
Johnny nodded, giving
Roy a hand. Then he picked up the flashlight and the inch and a half line as they moved back into
the gloom of the hallway.
They exited the bedroom and moved back toward the living room as fast
as they could.
The house was a low one story ranch style home in the fifty five thousand
dollar class. The outside was a flurry of action. Lopez and Kelly were up on the roof, ventilating,
while firemen from two other companies, 127 and 82, were taking in salvage covers and hosing down
the flames and adjoining areas.
Onlookers and neighbors were straining for a better look as a police officer kept them back. The
front door was kicked open with a shoe as Gage and DeSoto emerged with Demick. Gage gave his hose
line to a fireman and Captain Stanley joined them to help carry their victim over to the squad.
Roy nodded at Cap. "This should be okay. I'll get his vitals." he told him as they lowered him onto
a burn tarp. Gage was already giving Roger oxygen as DeSoto applied a compress to his neck and started
checking his vital signs. After Johnny had hooked up a cannula, he reached for the biocom.
pulled off his helmet and mask from around his neck. "Rampart Base. This is Rescue 51."
A hand reached for the speak button of the transmitter as Gage's voice came over the speaker.
##Rampart Base. This is Rescue 5-1...##
Doctor Brackett's hand depressed the switch as
the door of the glass base station closed behind him. "This is Rampart Base. Go ahead 51."
Johnny held the receiver closer to his face as a spraying fire hose passed close by their location
on the street. Roy was bending over, taking a blood pressure on the hurt fireman. "We have a male
Caucasian, Fireman Roger Demick, suffering from smoke inhalation. He is unconscious. Respirations
are slow and shallow, we're administering O2. He also has a severe cut on the left side of his neck.
His vitals are.." Gage glanced up at DeSoto.
Roy kept on cutting off Roger's uniform as he
continued his primary survey. "Pulse 118.."
Gage parroted him. "Pulse 118."
"B.P. 132
over 80." added DeSoto.
"B.P. 132 over 80." Johnny told Kel as he checked Demick's neck carefully for signs of further developing
problems. "That cut has apparently missed any major blood vessels, but he's lost a lot of blood."
had taken all of the information down and Dixie had joined him. "Start an I.V. with Ringer's Lactate
and transport as soon as you can." he told Johnny.
The ambulance was just pulling onto the scene as Roy started to administer the I.V. The attendants
rushed toward the paramedics with their gurney.
"10-4, Rampart." said Gage in conclusion and then
he hung up the phone.
They loaded Demick onto the gurney and started toward the ambulance.
Roy looked at Johnny. "I'll ride in with the ambulance."
Gage nodded tiredly. "Right."
bent low to wrap up the equipment and then he started reloading all the gear back into the squad.
DeSoto was just getting into the Mayfair in the background when a small sports car pulled up. A tall
man got out. It was Stan Johnson who made a beeline straight for Captain Stanley. He wasn't angry.
"That's my house. My name's Johnson." he declared matter of factly.
Hank barely blinked an
eye as he gave the facts how they were. "Okay, we've done about all we can. As soon as the smoke clears
a little more, we'll be able to get a better idea of the total damage, and perhaps, how it started."
he said to the man.
Johnson nonchalantly lit up a cigarette. "Take your time. I've got plenty
of insurance."
Gage couldn't quite believe Johnson's attitude. He had finished loading the
squad and was ready to leave for the hospital. He had heard every word and was rapidly becoming very
upset over the man's dismissal of his and Roy's closest friend's recent near miss.
The house
owner's smug attitude carried on. "Actually, I'm sorry you guys had to go to so much work. I've been
trying to sell this house for the last six months. And this fire has just saved me the trouble."
he said happily.
That comment was the last straw. Gage whirled on him. "Saved you the trouble?!" he shouted, his anger
rising. "Look, mister.." he growled, lifting a finger at the man's grinning face.
Captain Stanley
held up a hand of his own, calming the storm. "Johnny, you'd better get on over to Rampart." he said
Johnny sputtered. "But, Captain,.. Roger--"
Hank's eyes sparked. "Johnny.." he
warned, still just as quiet.
Gage got into the squad, slammed the door shut, and left sharply.
Johnson pointed, throwing a careless hand into Johnny's departing direction. "What's with him?"
It was Hank's turn to control his temper with the man. "Because of that.." he indicated the house.
"...a fireman might die." he spat. He turned, pacing away to direct the clean up, leaving Johnson
standing alone by his neatly parked car.
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************************************************** From: "patti keiper" <> Date:
Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:17 pm Subject: Act One.. Hostage
Hostage©, Mark VII Limited© and Universal
Studios© Production # 37411 Original Teleplay Character Dialogue was written by Susan Keenan©.
It was full day at Rampart Emergency Hospital.
Demick was still unconscious on the treatment
table as Brackett and Early work on him, assisted by Dixie and another nurse. Demick was on a bird
respirator and there was an I.V. going into his arm. An EKG machine was hooked up, and this Brackett
was studying as the tape fed out a reading onto the floor. Everyone was busy in the teeth of a
critical situation.
Roy DeSoto stood by the door, watching the swift actions being taken by
the hospital staff, but he didn't interfere. After a few moments, he left the room and went out into
the hallway.
As Roy left the treatment room, Johnny spied him as he was coming down the hall
and together, they started walking towards the base station.
Gage couldn't contain his worry.
"How's Rog?"
DeSoto frowned, still analyzing what he had seen in the room. "They're not sure
yet. He seems to be stable enough. But there's some problem with his heart." he replied.
two paramedics reached the front desk and helped themselves to coffee.
Johnny was surprised,
worried. "Rog doesn't see the type to have a heart problem."
Roy's face mirrored the same reaction.
"I know. He's only twenty eight and has always been a big jock."
Behind them, the sound of
an opening door attracted their attention as Dixie exited the treatment room and crossed to Base Station
17, where the two of them were standing.
DeSoto leaned into when she finally sat onto the desk
stool. "Any change?"
Dixie's face was serious. "No."
Gage became ansy, but his voice
didn't reflect any of it yet. "No indication of what's causing his heart to act up?"
pursed her lips, thinking. "The EKG showed depressed S-T segments in the V-leads. You guys were pretty
close, weren't you?" she asked.
Johnny took in a deep breath and straightened up uncomfortably. "Roy went to high school with Rog.
And he and I were together when we joined the fire department.
Dixie nodded, still serious.
"I'll sure keep you fellas up on his progress." she promised.
Roy studied his hands. "Thanks,
The two medics started down the hall with their new supplies and walkie talkie in hand.
As they got halfway down, they spotted Rog's young wife, Molly, going into the reception area with
her two year old daughter, Cindy.
Gage called out. "Molly....Molly!" he said, hurrying to reach
The red haired woman turned, finally seeing Roy and Johnny and she rushed over at the
sight of familiar faces.
"How is he? Can I see him?" she asked, agitated.
DeSoto picked
up two year old Cindy and greeted the young curious child. "His condition seems stable,..but--"
Molly interrupted him, almost frantic just under the surface. "But what?"
Gage finally told her.
"He's still critical. They've found a heart problem and they are trying to isolate it."
heart? Can I see him?" she asked again, looking around for any clue that would tell her where her
firefighter husband was.
DeSoto gripped her arm to comfort her. "Not right yet."
Dixie McCall came over and joined them, taking the young girl from Roy. "Mrs. Demick?"
"I'm Nurse McCall. Why don't you and your daughter come with me?" she suggested, knowing that
Roy and Johnny had to return back to duty.
DeSoto gripped Roger's wife's hand meaningfully."Molly,
I'm sure everything's going to be okay." he said.
Smiling bravely, but still frightened, she
nodded and followed Dixie down the hall.
Inwardly, Roy hoped that his last statement was the
The sun was stil hot in the back yard behind the station. A scuffed, well used basket ball makes
a netless hoop attached to a backboard soundly. Stoker and Lopez are shooting baskets as Gage and
DeSoto came out of the station, looking for everybody.
Marco grinned excitedly, sweating. "You
guys want to play a little two on two? Or horse?"
Gage finally smiled, accepting the ball that
Lopez tossed into his chest. "Why not?"
Mike eyed up the two paramedics. "Did you see Chet
DeSoto shrugged. "No. Maybe he's in the office."
Johnny tried a shot with the
basketball and missed an easy layup.
Roy chuckled. "I guess they don't call you the "Stilt" for
nothing." he teased.
Gage's eyes flashed playfully, not taking offense. "All right, Wise Guy.
Let's see how you can do." he said, sending the ball hard into his partner's chest.
absorbed the impact without even flinching. His eyes accepted the challenge. "From where?"
leaned over onto his knees and motioned to the ground with both hands. "From right where you are."
he replied, waiting expectantly.
Roy was about twenty five feet away from the basket. He shot
and he made it without even drawing iron.
Gage tried very hard to hide the fact that he was
impressed. Returning the ball to DeSoto, he offered his thoughts. "Luck. Try it again." he taunted.
Just then, Kelly came out of the station and crossed over to his car.
Marco shouted. "Hey, Chet.
Why don't you join us?"
Chet got whatever it was that he had been looking for and he headed back
across the parking lot without saying a word or acknowledging them. All eyes were on him as he disappeared
back into the station.
Gage scoffed, finally dribbling the ball he stole away from Roy. "What's
with him?"
Lopez shrugged, still watching the closed door that had shut behind Kelly. "He's
been like that ever since we came on duty today."
Roy stole the ball back instantly from Gage
and shot it up high without even looking for the basket. Twenty five feet away, again, it swished
through it solidly, to Gage's marked disapproval.
The alarm went off and they all reacted, going back into the station.
Captain Stanley took down the information as the rest of the firemen boarded their vehicles.
##Engine 51, Squad 51. Man trapped at Greg's Glass and Mirror Works. 1030 East Green Street. Cross
street, Lyle. Time out : 1035 hours.##
Hank hung up the microphone after replying. "Station 51,
ten four. KMG 365."
The captain got into the Ward and together, they exited the garage. Roaring
Code R down the freeway, they hurried toward their destination.
They arrived very soon into the
business district, outside the building.
Squad 51 and Engine 51 pull up outside the store. Greg
Liggatt, a short balding man of about fifty, the store owner, is waiting out front. He's very nervous
and excited as he approached Hank. The paramedics joined him.
Liggatt began to talk, fast.
"It's my brother in law, Ralph. He was up on the second floor, fixing the rack and checking for earthquake
damage, when it happened."
Stanley asked the question. "What happened?"
The owner stammered, still panicking slightly. "The rack collapsed, pinning him under hundreds of
pounds of glass and mirrors."
Roy started hurrying as he began to get equipment out. "Is he conscious?"
"Yes, some of the rack is keeping the majority of the glass off of him. But I think he has a bad
cut on his leg."
Cap began issuing orders. "Lopez, Kelly, porta-power, jacks, some salvage
covers and some rope. Let's go."
Gage and DeSoto had completed unloading all the medical gear
and they joined the gang entering the store before them. A police officer arrived as they did so and
began controlling the on lookers.
Station 51 crossed quickly through the store, following Greg
to the back stairway. The store was glinting in the late morning sunlight in the usual display
of mirrors and glass in various shapes, styles and sizes.
Liggatt grunted with worry. "I hope
one of you is skinny enough to get through to him." he said.
They passed under the stairway
landing and went up to the next floor, laden heavily. Hank led the way, after the owner, followed
by DeSoto, Gage, Lopez and Kelly. The storage room was typical of a store the size of Greg's Glass
and Mirror. There were storage racks where large pieces of plate glass and mirrors were kept. It was
one of the main racks that had collapsed, with its contents, on top of Ralph.
The broken rack
was supported partially by a beam that was propped up against the wall. But Hank soon noticed that
their victim was at the far end of the row and he saw that the only way they could get to him, was
to crawl through on their stomachs, under the teetering rack of glass.
The space was very tight
and looking around, he saw that only Gage was small enough to fit through the opening. He frowned.
There was the continual danger of falling glass as stock continued to slide out piece by shattered
piece, around them. He knew everyone would have to be more than careful.
He spoke. "Johnny,
looks like you're elected." he said, after peering around quickly. He stepped back to give Johnny
a look. "We'll start to try and get this mess off of him."
Gage kept on his gloves, eyeing up the worst risks in the glass surrounding them. "Ralph? Can you
hear me?"
They all heard a gasping start up. It was weak. "...yes."
Johnny began to worm
his way in past the glass his crewmates began to hold steady with their gloves. "This is the Fire
Department. Can you tell us what has happened to you so we know what to take into you?"
began to reply, with difficulty, unaware that Johnny was doing a consciousness level check on him.
"..I- I think so.. I' a large cut on my thigh..and I think my right arm's ...broken. And..
I'm pinned to the floor.. Oh,....It hurts! Please hurry.."
Gage answered. "I'll be there in
a moment." he grunted as he crawled carefully. He stopped only long enough to begin to stuff into
his pockets all that he would need...M.S... an I.V., bandages..and a splint.
DeSoto, nearby,
began to set up the biocom.
Johnny made sure his gloves were covering his skin as he slowly entered
the tunnel of glass. He made his way very gingerly through the darkened space. Suddenly, the weight
above him shifts, sending bits of glass bouncing off of his helmet. Freezing. Johnny ducked protectively,
until it was over. Then he started crawling again.
He reached Ralph, who was on his back,
pinned to the floor by the rack on his right arm. There was a little more room around the man but
still Gage couldn't rise up off of his own stomach at all.
In the background, he could hear Roy on the biocom, beginning a hail.
Gage started smiling when
he saw Ralph connect eyes with him. "All right. Now try not to move."
Ralph coughed weakily.
"I'll try."
Gage took out a compress and applied it quickly over the gaping wound on the man's
bloody thigh. "Can you hold this?" he said while he tied it off tightly with other bandages.
think so." gasped Ralph.
Johnny shifted his position. "Okay. Let's see what we can do for that
Roy was already on the phone with Rampart Emergency. He could just see Gage and Ralph ahead of him,
through the peeks in between the masses of sharp, broken glass sheets that lay between them. Johnny
was gingerly taking a blood pressure.
DeSoto spoke again, with more information. "...Male Caucasian
approximately forty eight, medium build. He has a deep cut on his left thigh and a possible broken
right arm. He's in severe pain."
He lifted his head when Gage shouted. "Pulse is 110!"
echoed that to the doctor on the other end of the line. "Pulse 110."
"...B.P is.....126 over 70."
gasped Johnny, his voice muffled. "Respirations 18. "
Roy nodded, signalling visually to Johnny
that he had heard. "..B.P. is 126 over 70. Respirations are 18. Request permission for M.S."
Dr. Early was on the transmitter. Joe said. ##Start an I.V. D5W as soon as possible and then
administer 5 mgs M.S. I.V. Monitor vitals closely.## "10-4."
In the store room, Roy set
the phone down onto his jacketted shoulder. "Did you catch all that, Johnny?"
Gage grunted.
Johnny quickly began preparing the morphine injection. He glanced down at Ralph. "This should ease
the pain some." he told him. Then he started the I.V. and injected the drug into the line's port.
Stanley, Lopez and Kelly attached some lines to the wooden frame of the tipped over rack and they
got busy unfolding some of the salvage covers. Liggatt was watching anxiously nearby. Hank spoke softly
to his men. "The big problem is not the frame. I think we can hold that okay." he said. "It's just
when we move this thing.. What's going to happen to all of that glass?" he asked them, pointing, wanting
their opinions.
Roy leaned into the hole. "Is there anything more you need in there?"
within, but close by, Johnny rechecked the flow of Ralph's I.V. before he began to immobilize the
man's shoulder with a splint. "Not right now." He turned to Ralph. "There. Now relax as best you
can while I try to get this on."
Ralph's eyes started to close slowly, groggily. "Are we
get out of here without being cut in half?"
Johnny instantly got into his line of sight. "We will.
They're working on it right now." he said, continuing to put on the splint slowly.
knelt by DeSoto near the narrow opening. He had a salvage cover with him and a few sections of one
by twelve boards. He yelled to get Gage. "If we can get this wood and cover in to you, then we can
move the glass." he shouted.
Johnny replied, still out of sight. "I might be able to back
up some. Then you can place it on my back." he offered.
Roy looked up. "Cap, I'll hand it into
Hank passed over the bundle. "Give us the high sign when you're ready for a lift." he
DeSoto licked his lips nervously, worried for both Johnny and the wounded man. "Right."
began slowly backing up. It was a dangerous move as chunks of glass and mirror kept falling near him
and off of his helmet. But slowly, he was getting closer to Roy and the equipment.
two feet!" DeSoto encouraged him.
"Okay.." grunted Gage.
"That's good." Roy told him as
he placed the supplies onto Gage's back.
Slowly, Johnny began his return trip back to Ralph's
side. Glass continued to fall, and the wooden frame began to creak under the pressure. When he got
there, he did a fast vitals check on the still man while he started to make a shelter for the both
of them using the wood and tarp.
Nearby, Lopez and Kelly have the porta-power in place and they
were ready to pull the rack of glass away from the wall, but only when Gage and his victim were completely
covered with first the wood and then the salvage cover.
Johnny took a deep breath, his voice muffled.
"We're ready!"
Roy heard the word and relayed the message to Hank, standing by the wall. "They're
Marco and Chet slowly began to pump up the porta-power.
Stanley shouted. "Lie still.
Here we go!" he replied back.
Breathing fast, Johnny kept a hand on Ralph's stomach to monitor
his sedated breathing rate. He kept low as the rack started to creak. Glass popped as it slowly
began to rise.
DeSoto was shielding his hands from glass dust as it began to trickle down from
the pile above Johnny, watching his partner as best as he could. The gang was pumping very carefully
when suddenly, there was a very loud pop and then the crashing of broken glass.
He shouted
in dismay when he saw Gage and Ralph quickly covered by a terrible shower of broken glass and debris.
His face filled with fear for both of them. ::I can't believe what's happening!:: he thought.
Trying to get closer, but very aware of danger, Roy began to dig at the now covered hole.
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