************************************************* From: Jeff Seltun <finiterider@yahoo.com> Date:
Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:10 pm Subject: The Storm Waif..
The storm raged outside, the rain
falling heavily in through the chilly autumn air onto the roof of Station 51.
It was two a.m.
A rustling caused Henry to pick up his head from the couch in the darkness as the shuffling
booted feet of all six of the gang got louder. A light switch flicked on.
"Man, what time is
it?" Gage mumbled, rubbing his face sleepily as he squinted in the bright lights.
"A bad time."
retorted Chet. "We're not sleeping any more." he replied crankily, seating himself heavily into a
kitchen chair at the table while he adjusted the straps on his pullup trousers. Then his expression
completely about faced. "Who's turn is it to put the coffee on?"
Hank came into the room and
immediately grimaced, fending off the kitchen lights with a hastily raised arm. "Oh,.. that smarts.
Somebody, go kick on the emergency lights, would ya. My eyes are bleeding." he groused.
got it." slurred Marco, pushing a chair in front of him as he blindly progressed across the kitchen
to the unit above the doorway. He unsteadily climbed up onto the chair and punched it on manually.
Two soft domes flooded out right after Cap flicked off the main ones, leaving the room in a soothing,
sleepy pinkish glow.
"Ah,, that's much better." Cap said, making his way over to the frig to
dig out a carton of milk. "2 % or skim?" he asked the room at large. Shadows around him animated as
the gang called out their preferences, all except Chet.
"I'll take mine decaf.." Kelly said
unenthusiastically when he realized no one wanted to reach full wakefulness consciously. "On second
thought. Skim, with ginger cookies."
"There aren't any left." said Mike Stoker, downing the last
one from the box.
"Hey!" Chet complained. "You know the rules. Leave one until it's replaced."
"We can't go shopping now, can we? We're on duty." said Marco, yawning as he wrapped Henry over
his lap to try and get warm. "Brr.. it's so cold. Cap, can we turn on the heater?"
"It's too soon in the season yet. We've got a week to go before the furnace is authorized for a kick
on by Headquarters. Go put in a few blankets into the dryer. Snuggle up in those afterwards." Hank
"Good idea." said Marco, draping Henry over his shoulder like a hot water bottle
as he got up and left the room. "Who wants one?"
All five hands rose into the air.
opened the cupboards one by one as he rubbed the sleepers out of his eyes. "Say, do we have any hot
cocoa left over around here from last winter?"
"Does Cap snore?" Chet scoffed, shaking his
head. "That's a dumb question."
"No, it's not. It's on the inventory list for the month. So
it's gotta be here." Roy said, finally pulling out his pen light to search so he could see better
in the dimness of the battery powered bulbs. "Aha!"
Chet shot up out of his seat and made a grab
for the box. "I'll fix it. I'm the only one around here who never manages to scorch the chocolate."
"Fine. Thanks for volunteering." Roy smirked, taking a chair next to where Johnny was dozing on
his elbow propped hand.
Kelly smacked himself on the forehead. "I'm so gullible. Geez.This is
first aid, guys, so we don't all freeze to death, so don't get used to seeing me waiting on you hand
and foot, all right?"
"You already get underfoot." Cap grumbled, curled up in his chair like
a ball under an unfolded newspaper while he eagerly awaited the hot blankets Marco was heating up.
"When we don't want ya to."
"Gawd. What a grump. Is he always like this when he doesn't get enough
beauty sleep?" Kelly asked Stoker.
Mike didn't dare answer that when he saw Cap's baleful eye
staring out at them from the shell of papers he had buried himself inside of. Stoker decided to
shoot Chet a nonverbal warning before turning back to place-set out six mugs and saucers for their
coming snack.
Gage had no such reluctance. "We're all turning into beasts tonight, Chet. Don't
tell me you haven't heard all that wind howling out there. I swear, if it gets any colder, it's gonna
start snowing."
Bang! ...bang..bang, came a noise.
"What's that?" Roy asked, still watching
Chet stir in the Nestle's powder into the pot of milk he was boiling on the stove. Annoyed that
he was being watched, Chet handed over the stirring spoon to the hovering paramedic and abandoned
the both of them. Chuckling, Roy took over the job, enjoying the sweet steam rising up around
his head.
Hank sighed. "It's that d*mned pine bough nobody gets to cutting down on lawn days,
rubbing the building again. All that racket is what woke us up tonight!" he coughed, irritatedly rolling
over again in his chair until his back was to the light.
The solid
noise was enough to sober the whole gang as they listened to the fury of the fall storm blowing violently
outside the windows.
Henry came scrambling back into the dark kitchen on his thick claws and
the familiar sound finally made everybody smile. "Hey, look. Henry wants to play." Stoker said, bending
over so Henry would come to him for an ear scrubbing.
Chet looked around. "His ball's over
there and I'm not getting up." he said, from where he slumped in his seat. His eyes were staring up
into the emergency light. "If I'm gonna get insomnia and suffer for it, everybody suffers along with
Gage scoffed. "You already make us suffer. We have to work with ya six days a week and
listen to you open up that mouth."
Hank barked. "Put a lid on it, you two, or go back to bed."
he said icily.
Chet and Johnny shut up and watched as Roy poured out cocoa into their cups.
Lopez returned to the kitchen which was slowly warming with the four red hot flaming burners
Roy had left on intentionally.
Hank eyeballed them and grunted. "Nice effect. It's like a mini
DeSoto shrugged. "It's cheap."
Marco chucked his pile of dryer hot blankets
into the middle of the table. "Here you go. Seven blankets.The extra one's for Henry." They were
eagerly snapped up and used in seconds.
Time passed, but the storm didn't.
The gang
slowly shivered and drained two pots of hot cocoa, willing for the ease of sleep to return. Soon,
the wool wrapped around their heads, had them dozing fitfully whereever they were draped over the
Johnny murmured from where he was slumped on the table. "Man, am I glad we aren't
getting any runs for once. This sucks." he moaned.
The others agreed silently in the stillness.
It was two hours later when they finally got back to bed. Sleep was slow to come when it finally
did, near dawn.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Morning!" Gage
said as he cheerfully sailed into the kitchen. "What a beautiful day." he said.
to you. The rest of us needs a little more than three hours sleep to feel resurrected, pal. So stop
rubbing it in." Chet frowned as he followed him. "It's not a nice day, it's a frosty one."
the sun's out. And there's no wind." Johnny grinned.
"I like it tropical." Chet groused.
The sound of a frozen palm frond landing on the roof made all of them look up. "See, our palm trees
out there are agreeing with me."
Gage shrugged and broke out the coffee.
Marco, was
already cooking morning tacos. The heady spices almost made the others forget their futile sojourn
to the rec room during the night.
Cap raised his eyebrows. "Chores before we eat?"
I want to digest a little, peacefully, afterwards, if I'm going to gorge." said Stoker.
laughed. "Okay, Mike you got the bathrooms. Roy and Johnny, the mopping. Chet, take out the trash."
Kelly celebrated. "That's short. I'm so on it." he said, moving to the sink and the can under
it. He pulled out the bag and tied it shut. "Marco, extra jalapenos on mine if you wouldn't mind."
Lopez smiled. "Coming right up." he said, stirring the meat.
Chet left the kitchen for the
apparatus bay. He picked up the trash from next to the engine and the bio hazard bag from near
the squad and he struggled to open the rear side door with his free foot.
He finally made
it outside, making his way into the backyard blindly.
A soft weight snagged both of this shoes
and he nearly pitched forward onto his face. "What th-?" he startled, tossing away the heavy load
to save himself as he pinwheeled.
Kelly looked down, wondering what the debris was that had tangled
him. He gasped, soundless.
It was a half grown child, wrapped in part of the tarp that used
to be on the old engine in the backyard. She was bundled poorly, soaking wet, and unconscious. Her
skin was blue.
"Hey! Are you okay?" He shook her shoulder, and found all of her muscles stiff.
She stayed silent.
"Oh, sh--" he swore. "Guys, get out here on the double!" he shouted, crouching down to roll her carefully
over onto her back. "We've got ourselves a runaway. Looks like she's been out here all night!"
His fingers tipped back her head and chin as he listened for active breath sounds.
There were
"Sh*t." Kelly said, beginning mouth to mouth. "Guys! Grab the gear!"
Her throat
was so cold, Chet wasn't sure if she still had a pulse.
Hank and the others flew out of the
rear garage door when it suddenly activated from the hit switch. Their arms were soon heavily laden
with medical equipment.
Johnny and Roy rushed over. "Cap! It's a young teenager. Fourteen or
so. Might be hypothermia." he said, bending down over her and looking at her eyes quickly.
began to talk, fast, when Stoker took over ventilations on the girl for him with a demand valve. "I
can't find a pulse. It might not be there."
Gage sighed. "They're reactive. She hasn't been
down that long. D*mn, is she icy! Might be too cold to shock if she's actually arrested." Johnny
said, carefully searching for a beat at her neck.
"I'll call it in. Marco, go grab the stuff
out of the dryer. We need to warm her up asap." Cap ordered.
Johnny shook his head in frustration.
"Still can't find it. But she's supple." he said, straightening up to place a hand on her sternum
for C.P.R.
"Wait a minute. Open her shirt. I'll scope her." Roy told him, breaking out the defibrillator paddles.
He turned on the machine.
Cap and Johnny ripped the stained clothes away from the girl's
chest and Kelly rapidly dried the frost off her skin with one of the steaming blankets Marco had
grabbed from the running dryer just inside the rear bay doors.
The datascope whined into life
and Roy turned a knob to passive read when the monitor fired up. He placed the paddles into position
and pressed down. "Artifact.. She's still too wet." he said, pulling them off.
Cap and Chet
scrubbed harder, and firmer with the hot wool.
"Okay, hold it. Hold it." DeSoto said as Johnny
fumbled for a stethoscope out of the I.V. box. Roy tried another reading.
Everybody started
holding their breath.
DeSoto blinked. "She's idioventricular at twenty. But it's not effective
enough. Start CPR. But go easy. Her heart's so chilled, it might stop. Somebody get a temp on
her. Don't jar her unnecessarily."
Marco started compressions carefully, timing them with Stoker's
thumb triggered breaths on the resuscitator, so he didn't prevent any chest rise when it came.
Gage pulled his listening drum away from her ribcage. "I can barely hear it. It's weak, irregular."
Hank got up and ran for the alcove. "L.A. This is Captain Stanley. We've a still alarm at our
locaton. Roll an ambulance and P.D. to Station 51's backyard. Our victim's a minor."
************************************************** From : patti keiper <pattik1@hotmail.com> Sent
: Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:47 PM Subject : The Icy Edge...
Hank jogged back to the others,
after turning on the laundry sink next to the mop cupboard, filling its basin with hot water.
"We've got to get her inside, Cap, and off this cold ground." Roy said.
"Chet, go grab a long
board. Rush it." Hank ordered.
Kelly left at a run, tossing a pair of clothes shears onto the
girl's stomach. "Those are your sharpest ones." he said.
Roy picked up the scissors and began
cutting away all of the chilled girl's soggy wet sweater, jeans and underclothes. "Also throw
some of our picnic hot packs into the sink. Bring a bucket of hot water, too!" he yelled after Chet.
"I'll get that internal temp reading." said Cap, kneeling in the grass. He reached into the trauma
box for a rectal thermometer. He shook his head in dismay as he looked down. "She's dehydrating already."
he said, noticing a large pool of dilute urine leaving her body.
Gage swore. "D*mn. Her core's
probably below 32°C. Cap, take it anyway to confirm that. What it is will determine what we can
do. Rampart's gonna wanna know where she's at to start."
DeSoto picked up the biophone and carried
it to the open floor space inside the garage behind the rescue squad. He turned on the garage heaters,
full blast. Then he went back outside for the rest of their gear. Thinking ahead, he tossed a couple
of I.V. bags of saline solution into the full steaming bucket Chet set against the wall nearest him,
along with a couple of 100 ml bolus syringes, still in their wrappers.
Together, all six of
the gang got the blanketed girl bundled onto the wooden board for the trip into the station.
"I got a bunch of thermal packs soaking." Chet told Roy, getting out of Marco and Stoker's way as
the girl was set down onto the concrete for a resumption of CPR.
Roy hit the close switch on
the garage door to shut out the cold. "Get them out as soon as they're bathwater temp and set them
around her groin, under axilla and along both sides of her neck." DeSoto ordered. "Cover her trunk
and head up again. But don't rewarm her arms and legs yet."
Cap pulled out the thermometer, and read it against the lightbulb of Gage's penlight. "89.6°F."
"That's severe." Gage told him. "Okay. Thanks." and he opened a channel to the hospital. He glanced
at his partner, who had finished rigging up and sticking on electrodes for a fast EKG strip. "How's
she doing now?"
Roy sighed as he worked on checking and rechecking connections. "Still no palpable
pulse. She demonstrating Osborn waves, irregular T wave inversions and a prolongation of PR, QRS,
and QT intervals. That ineffective rhythm's now ten." DeSoto replied.
"Let me see.." Johnny
asked as he waited for a reply back.
Chet turned the monitor until Johnny could read the screen.
"At least it's not atrioventricular or anything agonal." Gage said.
"Point in her favor." Roy
agreed. "Make your compressions lighter, Marco. We don't want to move too much of that chilled blood
around. She doesn't need a lot of oxygen right now. Just a bit of perfusion to correct her chemical
imbalances until we warm her up again."
"Okay." said Lopez, frowning as he began easing the CPR
into shallower repetitions. "Sorry. I forgot for a moment."
"You're doing fine." Roy smiled,
as he checked the girl for a pulse. It came only with Marco's compressions. "She's not critically
cold. We can reverse this fairly quickly if being chilled is her only problem."
Marco relaxed, nodding. His efforts smoothed out.
Stoker heard a knocking at the side door and
looked up from where he was working on ventilating the girl with the demand valve. "It's the police.
I think it's Vince."
"I'll get him." said Cap and soon, the traffic cop was striding towards them.
Rapidly, Hank filled Vince in on the situation.
Vince nodded. "Okay, Hank. I'll call a judge to
have her put in protective custody. As for treatment authorization, just my being here's good enough.
I'm all you need for that. This is life threatening."
Johnny tossed his head in satisfaction when the biophone came to life.
##Unit calling in, please
repeat.## said Dr. Brackett over the landline.
"Rampart, this is Squad 51. We've a fourteen year
old female. Unconscious after what we believe was exposure to the cold all last night. No shock was
advised on monitor, but there were no vitals signs palpable, even after a check of a minute or
two. We've an unorganized ventricular rate around ten with J-waves. CPR, oxygen administration, and
rewarming measures are in progress. Core temperature is reading at 89.6°F, with reactive pupils.
Uh, she's also showing signs of active cold diuresis."
##All right, 51. Maintain her respiratory
resuscitation rate and CPR as normal, but increase the duration of your pulse checks to 30 seconds.
Insert an endotrachael tube to guarantee that airway. That intubation won't put her at any more risk
of ventricular fibrillation than normothermic patients from vagal stimulation. She's already too
slow. Obtain a vascular route and administer a fluid bolus of 300 ml warmed NS, from a 1000 ml bag.
Be sure to shake it well to avoid hot spots. If she develops atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter,
PVCs, or atrioventricular block, don't treat her at all. Specifically, don't give atropine and don't
use the pacemaker setting on your defibrillator. If she goes into V-fib or pulseless V-tach once she's
a little warmer, defibrillate one time at 200 joules. I'll authorize 350 mg of bretylium slow IV
push only if that ventricular rhythm looks like its gonna degenerate. Send me a strip. I want to confirm
your findings.##
"10-4, Rampart, sending you a strip." Gage replied.
Roy relayed their
telemetry, gesturing for Marco and Stoker to pause CPR for those fifteen seconds.
spoke up again. ## Good call starting CPR. That's not an organized enough rhythm. We'll perform bypass
rewarming once she gets here. Insulate her to prevent further heat loss and keep her completely horizontal.
If she's still losing that fluid aggressively, go ahead and repeat that heated bolus as often as necessary,
until you end it. Let's consider her blood glucose and treat accordingly. Test her levels. If she
lapses into asystole, use CPR only. Her liver's too cold to metabolize ALS drugs. Attempt temporary
ventricular pacing once she's warmer than 90°F to support the heart rate if it is still slow
enough then, to impair hemodynamics. Bring her in gently, 51.##
Gage rubbed his forehead as he recited back their orders, word for word.
The gang fell silently
busy, trying to save the young runaway's life.
The doors of the Emergency Room burst open.
Dixie McCall and Dr. Brackett met Johnny and Roy
as they wheeled in their hypothermic teenager. Kel noticed right away that CPR wasn't being done.
"What's she at?" he asked.
Gage continued to steer the bed rapidly toward the dialysis room they
were headed for. "She's breathing, but in AIVR. Thirty five at the carotid with an occasional beat
palpated at the brachial."
"Did you need to sync?"
"No, she seems to be coming out of
it a bit." Roy replied.
Kel eyed their monitor as they hurried down the hall. "That's more
like it. Temperature? Glucose?" Dr. Brackett said.
"91.0 °F and 80." Roy answered.
Brackett said as the entered the stabe room they had set up. "Dixie.. I want some blood tests. The
complete workup. Also cardiac enzymes. There's still the possibility of acute myocardial infarction
if she's a drug user. I want to check her renal status with a BUN and creatinine. If she proves to
be a previous heart patient, this accelerated idioventricular rate may be due to prescription digoxin
toxicity. Get a chemistry panel, including electrolytes, and a magnesium level."
McCall nodded,
accepting the chart he had just signed."Right away, Kel."
Johnny locked her bed wheels and switched
over her O2 while Roy traded out the outdoors cooled blankets for fresh hot ones from trauma room's
autoclave. "What do you want us to do, doc?" Gage asked, keeping a hand on the girl's neck pulse.
"Let's try increasing her sinus rate with atropine. She's finally warm enough. Administer 1.2 mg
IV. If that doesn't work, we'll try Isoproterenol in a 0.5 mcg/min drip with further pacing." Dr.
Brackett told them.
Twenty minutes later, Roy and Johnny left the treatment room and headed for Dixie's desk for much
welcomed cups of hot coffee.
Johnny leaned heavily on the desk and scrubbed his hair with both
sets of fingers. "Man, I'm sure glad she's gonna make it. That was too close."
Roy crossed
his arms together. "Yeah. But it kind of makes you wonder what she was doing out there in the yard
in the first place, doesn't it?"
Gage sighed, looking miserable. "We heard her, you know. She
must have been the reason for all that pounding on the wall last night."
DeSoto shook his head.
"No, that was definitely the tree branch. That knocking wasn't coming from the back of the garage.
It was loudest in the kitchen."
Johnny looked at him. "That still leaves us with a mystery.
Why did she come looking for help from us in the middle of the night?"
"Maybe she didn't."
DeSoto whispered. "You know how suicidals can get."
Gage frowned, and pushed away his mug without
touching it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
************************************************* From: Patti or Jeff or Cassidy <theaterhost@voyagerliveaction.com>
Date: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:40 am Subject: The Face From The Past..
Johnny got out of the
squad seconds after Roy was through backing it into the vehicle bay and tried not to look at the
pool of drying water still staining the concrete floor behind them where the teen girl had lain.
A plugged in PPV hadn't yet dried the spot out completely.
"It's only four hours to lunch time,
but I'm not even hungry yet." he grumbled to Roy.
"Why not? We didn't lose her. And Brackett
said that she was almost waking up when we walked by her treatment room and peeked back in, remember?"
Roy rejoined, looking surprised as he leaned on the hood of the rescue truck, regarding Johnny
with a look.
"It's not the fact that we saved her, Roy. It's the fact that she even needing
saving to begin with. I mean, what kind of legal guardian would let a girl her age get out in the
middle of the night and into so much trouble like that?"
Roy studied Johnny's worried face
thoughtfully. "Speaking as a parent, you can't watch your kids every single moment of the day.
It's impossible. You have to sleep, work, go to the grocery store, what have you. And I can only imagine
what it's gonna be like when my kids get to be her age. I'm sure both of them are going to be chafing
at the bit to get out a little to see friends and the city sights. Quite frankly, I'm not looking
forward to that time at all."
Gage stopped rubbing his face wearily. "Why not?"
smiled. "Because it means that Joanne and I will be letting go a little more, and getting less involved
with their lives. Especially when they start asking for those hours of independence. It'll be
time away from us as a family." he sighed. "Changes like that, our friends with teenagers are saying,
can make you feel a little out of the loop at times."
"Yeah, well, this young girl fell completely
out of somebody's loop and it's making me real mad if you really want to know."
That admission, didn't surprise Roy in the least. He had seen the internal storm in his partner brewing
the whole way back from the hospital. "We've done all we can, Johnny. Now it's up to the courts and
the legal system to determine where she'll end up again once she's better. If she's truly a runaway,
it could be just hormones acting on her. She may have a perfectly decent set of parents out there
somewhere who are worried just as sick about her, as you are." DeSoto grinned, winking at his partner.
"So don't fret too much."
Gage made a face. "I'm not worried about her I'm-- Okay so I'm a little
concerned. Geez, Roy, she almost died out there, a few feet away from a whole fire station full of
paramedics, firefighters, and rescue gear."
Kelly walked by on his way to the showers. He was
sweaty from a heavy workout with the station's barbells. "Never get emotionally involved with a
victim, Johnny. Don't they tell you that in all the paramedic manuals or something?" he quipped as
he went through the lockerroom doors and out of the garage.
Johnny snapped. "Why don't you
just shut up and mind your own business here. Can't you see that Roy and I are debriefing?" he shouted
after him.
"No. Sounds like you're drowning, Gage." came Kelly's voice.
Johnny's mouth
flopped open, and a world of insult began rising in him at the rejoiner. He started after Chet.
But then Roy gestured. "Leave him be. He doesn't know the whole story. Come on, let's grab that cup
of coffee you never had, to settle your nerves a little. And let's add plenty of sugar to it, too.
Believe it or not, you ARE getting hungry. I can tell."
"My stomach's not growling.." Johnny
"No, but your mood is. Humor me a little." Roy told him as they began walking by
the wall map in the garage for the hallway into the rec room. "And drink up a whole lot."
Cap and the others looked up from the magazines they were reading in the kitchen. "How's she
doing?" Hank asked. The tone of his voice was a little eager, coated most likely because he was
a father of children himself.
"Better. Headed for a complete recovery." Roy said. "Now all they
have to do is determine whether or not she's suffered nerve damage from being cold for so long
before we found her. Brain damage won't factor into it at all, because that chill was protecting her
even as it deepened and began effecting her heart rate and her limb muscles. That rare frost was
pretty light this morning. So frostbite's not an issue."
Hank's mouth fell open. "That's a relief.
Have they I.D.'d her yet?"
"Not yet." said Gage, eagerly spooning in his fourth scoop of sugar into his coffee mug. He elaborately
began stirring the mounded pile of crystals floating at the top, until they were dissolved enough
for drinking. "It's gonna take a while if she decides on not telling anyone who she is." he said
thoughtfully, thinking. The rim of his cup had almost reached his lips when a sudden idea struck,
causing him to abandon it onto the table. "Say, Cap. Can I use your phone?"
Stanley nodded,
still petting Henry. "In my office?"
"Is this personal? Or for business?"
the latter, Cap."
"Okay, go ahead. Make an entry into the log about using it and briefly about
why for the books."
"I will. Thanks. Great.." said Gage distractedly. The others barely heard
him mumble as he hurried out of the room. "I can't just sit around here waiting for events to unfold
on their own. She's just a kid."
"Uh, oh.." DeSoto said, once he was gone. He hadn't heard Johnny's
comment. He didn't need to. Gage's new, odd, behavior alone was enough to set off warning bells.
"Uh, oh. What?" Hank said, getting pulled away from his stocks page.
DeSoto shook his
head. "Never mind. I'm not sure what he's up to now and it's probably none of my business for even
Hank was mentally sharp. "Is this involving that girl we just treated this morning?"
Roy didn't want to say anything. But his face gave him away.
"That's not like Johnny at all
to act like that about a patient." Marco remarked.
Stoker nodded in agreement. "He's a little
too attached to his victim, and he's gonna fall."
"No, he won't. He's just trying to help."
Roy said to them. "Every paramedic's gotta learn sometime that having close emotional ties to a patient
only hurts him in the long run. That's why that rule is there. I learned it, eventually." he frowned,
thinking back on his own past personal battle with the concept.
Hank sighed. "If and when this
starts effecting his job, then I'll step in and say something about it directly. Roy, I'm holding
you to tell me immediately if this whole deal begins to hamper him on other calls. Last thing I want
to see is a hesitant crewman about anything, you hear me?" he asked firmly, worried.
nodded. "I understand, Cap. You'll be the first to know." he said aloud. Whispering, to himself, he
added. "Right after me."
In Cap's office, Johnny Gage picked up the phone and dialed the first person on his mind. Dixie
McCall, at Rampart.
"Hey, Dix. It's Johnny. How's that girl we brought in this morning.. uh huh..
uh huh. What else can you tell me? I mean, without getting yourself or me, in a whole heap of trouble.
Dixie, please, this is important. I think I might know her from before I moved to California. You
see, I think she's one of my tribe members." he began.
Click the feather dangle for a music soundtrack change.
On the other end of the line, Dixie grew serious and caretaker eager. ##Tell me what you know already
and we'll go from there.## she promised. ##So far, the police have had no luck with obtaining any
information at all. It's like she's not on anybody's records anywhere.##
"That's because she's
from the reservation. We don't give our birth records to the U.S. government until a federal crime's
been committed and someone needs to be investigated about it officially. We're our own sovereign
##I get it, Johnny. Now spill the beans. We need her medical records to find out whether
or not she's a drug abuser or has a cardiac history. You heard Dr. Brackett. Knowing a positive about
either of those two things will have a lot of bearing on how fast she recovers from her ordeal and
whether or not she has to be treated further for cardiological or chemical side effects.## said
"Okay, okay. I called you, didn't I? Now hush up for a few seconds, please. This isn't
easy for me at all. Because I know I'm going around some real heavy duty tribal laws here just talking
to you about her. I think her name's Yellowbird. First name, Joy. I used to see her at the community
center for prayer sessions every Friday. At the time, she was being raised by her grandmother, Dawn
Sister Yellowbird. Both Joy's parents are dead. They both died from... alcohol abuse. Everyone believes
their cross nationality marriage didn't turn out so well because Joy was born too early." he admitted
reluctantly. "This information is from six years ago."
##Okay, Johnny. I'll get right on this.
I'll say to the police that you were an anonymous tip called into the hospital. Lord knows enough
people in the hallway and waiting room saw her rushed in here today to support that particular
angle. Do you have the main contact number for your reservation? I'll call there myself asking for
Dawn as an official emergency phone call on behalf of Joy.##
Johnny gripped the phone even
more tightly. "Thanks, Dixie. It means lot to me to get her some more help as fast as possible. I
guess it's because I know what it's like not to have any parents around. I was raised by my aunt.
Home's in Florida. And the direct tribal council's number is.."
The tones went off twenty minutes later, and Roy noticed that Johnny was jumpier than a cat in
a rainstorm when they did. He didn't say anything as he got behind the wheel and buckled in. He watched
Johnny write down their response address as it came over the speaker grill. "You ready?" he asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Gage said, not meaning the upcoming rescue call.
51, Engine 36, Ladder truck 10. Vehicle over a cliff. Southbound 405 and Avenida at mile marker 16.
Southbound 405 and Avenida at mile marker 16. CHP is on scene, reporting light smoke, with a
single driver injury.Time out : 0956. Copter two is en route as a new brush fire spotter.##
and the others came running and they got into their turnout coats and boarded the engine. "Station
51, KMG 365." replied Mike Stoker, using an HT laying on his driver's seat.
Cap broke over
Roy and Johnny's console radio on a private, truck to truck band. ##Maybe the hillside's still wet
enough from all the rain we got last night. Once we get there, help lay down two inch and halves
before getting into rappelling gear. Fire danger assessment's first if smoke's definitely showing.##
"10-4, Cap. Assure scene safety. " replied Gage as he fastened his helmet onto his head. "Has
L.A. given you a victim update yet?"
##Not yet. Those officers are away from their bikes with
their hands full. Their dispatch channel's been real quiet. The only word is that they're down
a steep hill, close in, with the victim.##
"Okay. Thanks. Switching back to main." Johnny said,
turning the radio back to L.A.'s active response channel for that part of the county.
into the growing white light of a storm clearing sky, Station 51 turned left to head down Wilmington
Avenue towards its first freeway access ramp.
******************************************************************* From : patti keiper <pattik1@hotmail.com>
Sent : Thursday, August 16, 2007 2:48 AM Subject : [EmergencyTheaterLive] Moment of Gravity
Engine 51 was the first Ward on the scene. Engine 36, from their sister station along
Wilmington Avenue, had not yet arrived. Cap stepped out of the cab and was immediately met by a highway
patrol officer as Roy and Johnny, gathered, too, sliding into their duty turnouts. "What have we got?"
DeSoto asked the CHiP lieutenant.
The highway patrolman said. "A green Chevy. Lost control and
rolled about forty yards into the canyon. Better hurry. A fire's started and my partner and I
haven't been able to get him out."
"All right. We'll take it from here." said Hank, peering over
the grassy fringe of the embankment. The report about an active burn was no longer a hopeful myth.
A white smoke column was growing far below, marking the place where the crashed car had come to rest.
"How bad is he?" Gage asked, completing his pulling anchor on a hose loop around an overgrown
freeway hydrant station as Stoker pulled the engine forward to unravel two large lengths of double
thickness brush hose.
"He's alive, but pinned in. Both doors are jammed. We haven't been able
to get them open." replied Officer Jon Baker.
"Smells like the undercarriage is catching." said
Chet as he rushed by with rappelling ropes to tie off on the engine's front bumper.
"It is." said Baker. "We tried to put it out but our fire extinguishers weren't big enough to finish
the job before they ran out."
"Thanks for trying. Now get yourself and your partner out of there.
You're not geared up to handle fire." said Hank.
Baker got on his hand held mic connected to
his motorcycle and he called down the hill. "Seven Mary Three to Seven Mary Four. Pull out. The FD's
##In a bit! I think I almost got him free!## came a hasty reply with the full, angry
sound of hungry flame crackles behind Frank Poncherello's voice.
Stanley frowned. He knew this
particular highway patrol officer. And he knew the man's penchant for rescue recklessness. "Roy,
Johnny. Go. That's Ponch. And he's not listening again. Get him out of there now. Then see what
you can do for the driver with hand tools. We'll follow you down with our two lines as fast as we
Kelly darted to each of the paramedics and tied on life lines to their rope belts. "Cap,
36's is here. And I saw Truck 10 doing a U-turn northbound for our ramp."
"Okay, pal. Music
to my ears. Grab Johnny's rope. I'll get DeSoto's." Cap ordered. Then he lifted his handy talkie.
"L.A. Engine 51. Speed up all responding crews. The grass around our car has fully ignited. Send
a full brush assignment to Topeka Canyon, mile marker 16."
##10-4. Wind direction is S.S.E.
at twelve. Temperature is 82°F. Dewpoint is 64°F. Relative humidity at your location is 30 %## said
"Copy, on the update." Hank replied back. "I confirm your conditions."
Roy and Johnny
never even heard Cap. They just flipped their descent ropes around the snags in the way as they hurried
down the hill with a pry bar and axe for windshield shattering, and a pair of fire extinguishers
they had snatched from the squad.
Johnny began shouting as they bounced downhill in a rapid
rappel. "Hey! Poncherello! Back away from there! Didn't you hear Baker yelling at ya?!"
got to the upside down car and found it fully aflame. Frank was tugging desperately on a car door,
trying to shield his hands and face from the heat of the flames shooting up from the underside of
the car's leaking oil line. "He's gonna burn if we don't open it now!" Frank replied urgently.
Roy shoved himself in front of Frank and forced the officer away with a firm backwards lean as
he bit down with a long prybar into the hinge of the crushed driver's door. "We see that. Now get
away from these sparks. Your uniform'll catch in seconds if you stay in this close. Go grab a stokes
if you wanna help us."
"In a pico!" said Ponch, bounding up the hill. He pulled himself up
rapidly along Johnny's taut rope.
Click Boot and Cap to go to Page Two