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Sierra- The Urban Rangers (Emergency Crossover Episode)
TV Series: "Sierra" Original Air
Date: 24 October 1974 (Season 1, Episode 10) Production # 41315
Series Creator: R. A. Cinader
and Michael Donovan
Directed by: Roger Duchowny
Writer: Michael Donovan
Advisor: Yosemite Chief Ranger Jack Morehead
Lyrics: John Denver
Singer: Denny Brooks
Music by Lee Holdridge
Photo Credit: Kelly. 2008.
Part One- The Urban Rangers ---------------------------------------- Roy and Johnny enter a cabin-like
Ranger's Station Office.
Roy DeSoto- Excuse me. Are you the chief ranger?
Jack Moore-
Uh, yeah. What can I do for ya?
Johnny Gage- Well, ah. I'm Johnny Gage. This is Roy DeSoto. We're
from the Los Angeles County Fire Department.
Jack Moore- Oh, oh. oh! Good
to see ya!
Johnny Gage- (chuckling)
Jack Moore- We were expecting you. Did you have a good
Johnny Gage- Yeah, we did. It was uh, kinda boring on the way up.
But uh, once we hit the park it kinda picked up.
Jack Moore- It's your first trip, eh?
Johnny Gage- Yes, it is.
Jack Moore- Well, it gets even better the longer you stay.
DeSoto- Well, it's kinda hard to take in all at once. We've got scenery back home
but nothing like this.
*Phone Buzzes*
Jack Moore- Excuse me. ( picks up phone ) Yeah. Oh, uh, I'll take it
in a second. Listen, I've got a call coming in from Washington.
Could you guys possible go next door and introduces yourselves. And I'll be along
in a couple of minutes.
Roy DeSoto- Sure.
Johnny Gage- Okay.
Jack Moore- Thanks.
See ya. (toggles switch) Moore speaking.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Park Rangers' debrief
common room.
Tim Cassidy- So anyway, this guy I know who's up in Alaska. He's
hunting, right? His plane goes down. Now, he's on the ground. He's lost.
He's starving. And he has one bullet left. Right? Did I tell you this story, P.J.?
P.J. Lewis- Oh, it don't make any difference. You'll just tell us anyway.
Tim Cassidy- Anyway,
this is a very serious lesson in survival. This guy, is out there in the woods.
He looks around. And he sees two quail over there. Two little quail; kind of
walking along. Okay, now he knows if he can line em up, maybe he can get both
of them with one shot. You've got to remember that this guy, is
starving to death. He looks down there. He lines up the quail. He
sees them. Bam! Two quail in the bag.
P.J.- Well, the best part's coming, right?
Tim Cassidy-
Right. Now, not only were there those two quail. There were four more in the
bush behind him. He got six quail. One shot.
Johnny Gage- Wait a minute now. Now I know this guy. I-Isn't this the same guy
that with that shot, he spooked a deer outta the woods and the deer took
off straight for the lake. And he got his leg caught in the mud and he was so
close that guy could kill that deer with his own knife. Now is it?
Matt Harper, P.J. and Jack Moore- (laughing)
Tim Cassidy- You, uh, heard the story before.
Johnny Gage- No, no I didn't. But I'll tell ya. The- the rangers and the firemen,
all have one thing in common. We all lie a lot, too.
Tim Cassidy- (genuine
found out laughter)
All- (loud laughter storm)
Jack Moore- Ah, okay everybody. Umm. Gentlemen,
uh John and uh Roy here are the first installment in our exchange training
program with the L.A. County Fire Department. Now, they're up
here to learn something about our technique, but if you play your cards right,
I think you can pick their brains a little bit, too. Maybe we'll all learn something.
Roy DeSoto- What did you schedule?
Jack Moore- Well, Tim you go with John and Matt you take Roy.
And incidentally, uh, would you guys wear your uniforms while
you're on patrol?
Roy and Johnny both nod their head.
Jack Moore: Okay, now for
some assignments...
Outside of the Ranger's Main Headquarters Building.
Matt Harper- Hey listen. I'm going to take
Roy over and show him the rescue cache. Catch you guys later for dinner, huh?
Tim Cassidy- Don't listen to us heroes.
Johnny Gage- All right. See you later. Love your
Tim Cassidy- I'm hooked on it myself. Here you go. (indicating a ranger's station
Johnny Gage- This one?
Tim Cassidy- Hey Julie! (A woman ranger approaches) You
know you missed the briefing.
Julie Beck- I know. I was settling a camper
Tim Cassidy- Oh.
Julie Beck- Gotta go. See you later.
Johnny Gage- Uh,
Oh, who was that? One of your fee collectors?
Tim Cassidy- No that's- that's Julie. One of the
Johnny Gage- She's a ranger? Are you kidding me?
Tim Cassidy-Nah. What's so unusual about that?
Johnny Gage- Well, uh. Nothing. It's uh, i- That's amazing. I mean she's
Tim Cassidy- John, are we talking about that lady ranger that just walked
into the door?
Johnny Gage- Yeah.
Tim Cassidy- Nah. Just another lady.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Location outside by a lake near
a Woman at campsite- (cooking a roast ham)
Cruncher- (brown bear on the prowl) Rrrrrh.
Woman- Here bear. (feeding him a scrap of meat) Oh, oh! (when the bear decided to grab the whole ham
roast off the picnic table.) Oh! Ohhh!
Cruncher- (eating contentedly)
BREAK TO... ********************************************************* TITLE THEME SEQUENCE
Denny Brooks .... singer: theme music John Denver .... lyricist: theme music Lee Holdridge
.... composer: theme music
********************************************************* At the ranger station's mountainside Rescue
Cache building.
Roy DeSoto- That's the finest collection of rescue equipment I've
ever seen.
Matt Harper- Yeah. We've been building it up for a few years now. Ah,
it's still not enough. I'd like to get my hands on one of
those EKG transmitters you guys have?
Roy- Yeah? Well, it'd be kinda hard to use up there inside
of those rocks.
Matt- Ah, maybe. You'd be surprised what we can do up there though, when we have
Roy- Yeah. I would. I guess that's one of the reasons why the fire department sent us
up here to take this course in the first place.
Matt- Sure.
Roy- You know, I'm
curious. How'd you become a ranger?
Matt- Well, I got my degree in geology. And then uh, I worked
for a while.
Radio( interrupting )- ##Any unit available, acknowledge and handle. Bear
trouble. Camp Nine.##
Ted Cassidy-(over the channel) This is 303.
We're on our way.
Matt- Let's go. I don't know what kind of training this'll be, but you might
find it kinda interesting.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Ranger Station
Wagon 303, travelling to the scene.
Johnny Gage- You know, Tim. I do have a thing about bears.
Tim Cassidy- Most people do. They feed em and tease em. And they wonder
why they get a camp full of problems.
Johnny- Yeah. Well. That's not my thing at all. I- I'm just
fascinated by em, that's all. You know, when I was a kid, I used to go
to the zoo and I used to stand there and watch them for hours. Yeah. You know, Tim,
if one were to believe in reincarnation, I'd swear bears were people at one time.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Both Ranger Wagons at Camp
Nine. All get out.
Johnny Gage- Holy smoke. Looks like a twister hit this place.
Tim Cassidy-
No, just a bear. I'll go talk to her, Matt.
Matt Harper- I'd better call in. Med One Five this
is 302 at Camp Nine.
Radio (MED-1-5)-##Go ahead, 302.##
Matt- Seems like the bear's left
the scene. I suggest you ask P.J. to bring around the bear trap. I don't think this problem's
going away by itself.
P.J. Lewis-(over the radio) ##10-4. I'm already en route with
the trap.##
Tim- Hello, ma'am.
Woman- Hello, ranger.
Tim- Looks like you had a bear problem..
Matt- Gentlemen, you feel
like picking up a little trash?
Woman- I was baking a ham and.. Well, I thought he was kinda
cute and so I gave him a piece.
Tim- And then he wanted some more.
And more. And more. And all of the sudden he took the whole ham right off the table.
Now why can't you guys keep those- those bears away from us?
Matt- Well, we try
ma'am. We really do try, but unfortunately, we can't compete with people who encourage them.
Johnny- Oh, would you look at this? That's bone dry. (about a completely flat cooler
he was putting into a black plastic garbage bag.)
Roy- Yeah, he was a hungry bear. (
also picking up trash.) He really made a pig out of himself.
Johnny- Well,
I guess he figured it was his territory.
Roy- Well, I guess even a bear has to move over for progress,
Johnny-Well, I think progress is what spoiled the bear.
Roy- You got some
kind of a thing for bears? I mean, look what he did to this woman's camp.
Yeah, well. She encouraged him.
Roy- Who's side are you on, anyway?
Johnny- The bear's.
Woman- Well my husband's gonna be furious when he comes back from fishing.
Yes, ma'am. Uh, could you help me a little bit with the color of the bear now please?
Woman- Does that really make a difference?
Matt- Yeah, yeah, it sure does. Because we don't like
to blame the wrong bear for this kind of problem.
Woman- What?
Tim- Ma'am.
See? We've got a lot of different bears in this park, ma'am and only a few of them are pests.
So if we go after the wrong one, we just waste a lot of time and effort.
Woman- But
that's ridiculous!
Tim- No, ma'am. Just practical.
Matt- All right, ma'am. Could you help
me with this description now? Like how big the bear was, his coloration? Did he
have any identifying marks?
Johnny Gage picking up trash, finds the ham bone and picks it up in the woods a short distance off.
Cruncher- Grrrrw.. (smelling the meat and Johnny.)
Johnny- Ah, whoa whoa whoa whoa, bear!
Whoa. heh. Ah, I'm your friend here. Heh. We're-- Do you want this? You want this? There,
you can have it. (tosses meat bone at the bear ) You can have it. I don't want it.
*Runs away quickly and meets up with P.J. and Tim setting up the bear trap door*
Johnny- Oh, hey! I saw the bear!
Tim- Bear?
Johnny- Yeah.
Tim-What's he doing?
Johnny- Well, I don't know I didn't stick around to find out. He was kind of aggressive,
you know.
Tim-Yeah, you must have had something he wanted.
Johnny- Yeah, I did.
And you gave it to him?
Johnny- Yeah, I did.
Tim- And then he took off, right?
Yeah, he did. Yeah.
Tim- Problem's solved.
Johnny- Well, uh, aren't you gonna go catch him?
Julie Beck (appears around the other side of
the trap)- It's easier to let him come to us. Hi, I'm Julie Beck.
Hi, I'm Johnny Gage.
Julie- Have you met P.J. yet?
Johnny- Oh, yeah. I- I met P.J. back
at the station. How are ya doing there, P.J.?
P.J.- Uh, fine, I'm just fine.
Tim-Uh, John, did you get close enough to the bear to get a description of him?
Johnny- Oh, yeah
I did, uh. Ah, he's umm, well, he's--
Tim- Big?
Johnny- He's big. Yeah, he's big and the
color was kind of a-
Tim- ..cinnamon color.
Johnny- Yeah, cinnamon and and, you know,
he had an almost human-
Tim- ..expression.
Johnny--..hum--... uh. That's him.
You just met our friend, Cruncher.
P.J.- That's right. This campsite's his favorite restaurant.
Johnny- Huh, well w-what are you going to do with him once you get him inside here?
Julie- Take him back to the high country. By the way. My turn to go.
Tim- Be my guest.
W-wait a minute. Let me get this straight, I mean. I mean if you catch this bear, you're
gonna take him up to the high country by yourself?
Julie- Sure. It's no problem. In fact, I enjoy
Tim- Well, I guess that does it. We all ought to be getting back.
Johnny- Ah, listen,
uh, if you do catch this bear, I was... wondering, uh, can I go along with ya?
Sure. In fact, we'll come back and check the trap tomorrow okay?
Johnny- Okay.
Julie- Okay.
Johnny- See you later.
Julie- Bye bye.
Tim- I thought your thing was bears.
Johnny- It is. It is. I'm.. also I've uh, a thing about girls,
Tim- Girls? She's just one of the guys.
Johnny- Agh, Tim. You don't believe that.
I- eh, I just know you don't believe that.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night fall on the
road. A ranger's wagon travels to sounds of random dispatch calls from the radio. *Jarbled*
at the main ranger station.
Tim- What's on the agenda this morning?
Matt- Well, we're going
down by the village to check out the cascade. How about you guys?
Tim- We're going
up to see the bear trap at Camp Nine. John here's a little worried that maybe Julie went off
without him.
P.J.- Aww.
(Roy, Matt and Tim chuckle.)
Johnny- You guys
are a laugh a minute.
Julie- (Pulling up in a ranger wagon) Hey, Johnny! I'm going to go check the bear trap. You
sure you still want to come?
Johnny- Oh, yeah. Sure. (pretending like he had forgotten about it)
(The rest of the guys laugh, except P.J.)
P.J.- Where you going, John? (teasing)
Hey, Johnny..
P.J.- *very bad cat call whistle*
(Gage ignores them all and gets into the
car with Julie.)
Tim- Hey Matt, have you given ever given any thought to Julie?
Matt- What's to think about?
Tim- Well, Gage is really kinda flipped over her.
Matt- Well, I guess she has kind of uh, pretty
Roy- He really gets turned on by girls.
P.J. - My wife's always wondering why you
guys have never dated her.
Tim- Well, why didn't you say that?
P.J.- Well, what's to say?
I'm a happily married man.
Tim- Yeah. I just can't think of her as a uh, ...a girl girl. Girl.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- At Camp Nine's bear trap.
Julie- Looks like we've finally got Ol' Cruncher.
Johnny- Oh, yeah?
Julie- It was
a long, hard fight.
Julie-(opening peep door) Of all the rotten luck.
Johnny- What's the matter?
Julie- It's the wrong bear. Cruncher did it to us again.
Johnny- Now what happens?
Julie- See that yellow tag on his ear?
Johnny- Oh, yeah.
Julie- That means we've trapped him before. And he's a pest also.
Johnny- Well does that mean
our trip to the high country is still on?
Julie- Sure is. I'll go get the car.
------------------------------------------------------- Roy and Matt at the Cascades Waterfall.
Roy- Sure is nice country. How's the fishing?
Matt- Oh, it's not too good in the valley. You get
up into the high country...You wouldn't believe it.
Roy- Why is it that you don't stock
the waters?
Matt- Well, we used to. We've got a policy now where we try to leave nature
just the way it is. If you start messing with the ecology, even putting a few fish into a
pond or a stream and it starts a chain reaction. No telling where it will end.
Roy- Yeah, yeah. I was reading something about Yellowstone. They were killing off all
the wolves. I don't know. That there were too many of them living off the land.
Yeah, same thing. Like I said, no telling where it'll stop.
Roy- Is that why you became a park
Matt- Yeah. I guess that's one of the reasons. The others' are probably about
the same. What made you become a fireman? I mean, uh, the pay is not too fantastic. But,
uh, helping people is not exactly the worst way to spend your life.
Roy- Yeah, is
it tough to get into the park service?
Matt- Yeah, now it's pretty hard. There's really more people
looking to get in than we really need. Why? Are you thinking of changing jobs?
Roy- Yeah. Maybe. Heh. It sure would be a nice place to raise a kid.
Matt- Yeah, it would be
that. I imagine your job's a little more exciting than mine. You've got to admit, we've
got a nicer neighborhood to work in. Speaking of work, I guess we gotta get going.
A passing motorcycle with a loud muffler spoils the quiet waterfall meadow.
Part Three- The Urban
Rangers -----------------------------------------
It spooks a horse who dumps his rider and
starts running with the rider hung by the foot on a stirrup strap.
Matt- I'm going to see
if I can help out down there! See if you can follow in the wagon!
Roy-(on radio) This is Roy DeSoto.
Harper's chasing a horse in the meadow near Cascade Ridge. The rider may have possible serious
Radio-##10-4. Any available units, respond to that area.##
Matt manages to stop the horse by the reins and he frees the rider's foot. Roy rushes in with their
first aid gear box as sirens of approaching ranger wagons draw nearer.
P.J. Lewis and Jack Moore
respond and rush to their side with a canvas stretcher.
P.J.- Is he bad?
Roy- Well, he's
got a head injury. Respirations slow. Pulse about sixty.
P.J.- I'll get a cervical collar.
Roy- All right.
Matt- Yeah, he's been kinda drifting in and out right now.
Roy- You guys
got any I.V. equipment with ya?
Matt- No, we sure don't. Only on a rescue. We've got nothing with us that requires doctor's
Moore- Nervous. Let's go in on a backboard.
Roy- Okay, his respirations're
going down. Better have dispatch call the hospital. Have them stand by for possible intubation.
Matt- Take it easy now.
Tim- Got him in?
Matt- Yeah.
Roy- Okay. Let's make it
fast. He's running the edge of respiratory arrest.
Matt- All right.
(The ranger
wagon takes off with the other rangers and the injured rider.)
Matt- It's times like this that
we could use some of the equipment you got down there.
Click Cruncher the bear to go to Page Two