<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.voyagerliveaction.com/monarchmagicbyunknown.mp3" LOOP=FALSE>
Leads to Emergency Theater Live's Active Writer List..
Click the fish to visit
ETL's new gadget box program.
December 18th, 2010
November 29th, 2006
A press release has just been issued
for the next DVD release of
Emergency, from the real TV series.
Scheduled to release on sale in
February 2007. See the following
link for more information or click
the image to the right.
Emergency TV
show- Season Three on DVD
NEW- Click Sam to hear L.A. County Dispatch, live. Choose CA-L.A.Co.Fire from the site's dropdown menu.
July 20th, 2006
Two new screensavers have been
uploaded at Emergency Theater
Live. One is the third installment
continuation of the series of custom
made episode images now displaying
inside ETL's perpetual slideshow on
the homepage. The second is a
tribute to the TV series. Visit both
at the screensavers
April 22nd, 2006
New Emergency Icons,
Cursors and Gifs have been
added to Emergency Theater
Live's unique custom made
collection and are available
for zipfile downloading on
ETL Icons Page.
*New ones added, August 21st, 2008*
February 7th, 2006
A new ETL custom episode
screensaver's been added to the
Emergency Theater Live website
featuring images from episodes 16,
Devil's Due through episode 29,
Where the Wind Blows. You can
download the new saver from this
The new second season DVD of the
Emergency TV series has official
released. Click the DVD for more news.
August 16th, 2005
New music has been added to the listening
vault at ETL. Two zip folders now contain
all the music the hosts and editors are
considering for future episodes. Click the
violin and the jukebox near the TV set to
download the music for around twenty
hours of listening distraction.

Also, the second of a five episode poster
series is now complete. Visit their page,

ETL Episodes Poster Page.
Click the music notes
to hear a sampling of
the music to come
June 21st, 2005
New release of cover art
for the Official Emergency
DVD. And,....a surprise. We
think Universal picked a
great image series. See
photo. :) Click
here for the
whole article, or the new
series cover to the far right.
June 2nd, 2005
New artwork for the upcoming release of
Emergency on DVD is now found. You can
access the new title's article
June 1st, 2005
A new image gallery page is now online. This
gallery features the custom images showing
in each month's episode in a before and
after format which shows all the detailed
work put into each picture. You can access
the page at this
May 19th, 2005
A new link has been added to Emergency Theater Live's
Home Page under the text link menu entitled,
Theater Live Test Music
. This link leads to a zip file
download of the latest pieces of midi music being considered
for future ETL episodes. It is a continuation of the
collection of music currently located behind the violin and
jukebox gifs on the homepage. You can access the music file

directly if you'd like to listen to the selections being
voted upon by ETL reading audience members.
May 6th, 2005
A new page is up at Emergency
Theater Live. One that features
Emergency wallpapers made by ETL
reading members. You can access the
page by clicking
ETL Wallpapers.
May 5th, 2005
New icons have been
added to the icons page
at ETL. You can download
their zip file
January 3rd, 2005
A brand new showcase page at ETL is now online. This page
features a link to 18 of our episodes in a text only format for
those of you using Web TV or AOL who cannot view the images,
special effects or hear our page by page music. Click the link to
visit the
Emergency Theater Live Online Text Episodes Page
A very researched archive exists which
catalogues still running Emergency
websites. Come visit All E TV Links and
find wonderful Emergency TV Series
websites like this one. Click the banner to
the below to visit the archive
October 28th, 2004
October 21st, 2004
The automatic image slide show is now up and running, featuring those images customized to
fit writer scenes from Episodes 10-15. Look for its viewscreen about 3/4's the way down
Emergency Theater Live Custom Slideshow Page.
October 1st, 2004
A new ETL Screensaver has been added to the Free
Screensavers Page. This one features images created
for Episodes Ten- Fourteen. Click the coats to go to
the download page
September 18th, 2004
What's New on Emergency Theater Live? and What's New with the Current Episode? is now in service.
Bookmark this page or see the change detection entry box at the bottom and enter an email address to
know instantly when the What's New Page is changed. An identical signup box exists to let you know
when features change on
ETL's Homepage. Look for it below the TV set
September 10th, 2004
New file added to the Homepage that contains text only versions of all of ETL's
Emergency episodes. Great for all WebTV and AOL users who sometimes cannot
see the graphics and animations featured on ETL. Just click the green script with
the engine and squad on it down by the current most episode banner. The button
looks like this.
September 1st, 2004
New Sierra/Emergency Crossover Short Episode -
Written to explain a photo puzzling millions. Heh. :)
Either click this link or click the unconscious Roy on the
ETL Homepage. The premise? Why was Roy not wearing
a helmet when he fell and why wasn't Johnny there to
save him
August 7th, 2004
ETL was featured on EMS Live Online Paramedic Radio on June
22nd, 2004. Come listen to ETL's founder NREMT-B talk about
    how the agency project began in Oct, 2002 and what it's all about.
Download the half hour interview here
November 16th, 2004
A Randy Mantooth made a Live Web appearance on the same radio show that hosted EmergencyTheater Live in June. For an editted text transcript of this show or click the red banner for a link to a webpage with the mp3 recording of the show. An Emergency Theater Live Host was in attendance in the chatroom at EMS Live.
Be a Doctor Brackett and treat trauma patients on a helicopter and in the ER. Be prepared to laugh, or die. Your paramedic associates and M.D. colleagues are unforgivable. Easy to play. Click the doc to visit the site. We hosts recommend the helicopter flight. It teaches wonderful details and will enhance your writing skills tenfold. This is a companion interactive scenario that compliments the paramedic and CPR scenarios already featured on the ETL Home Page.
Update me when ETL's What's New Page
   it's private  

by ChangeDetection
Update me when ETL's What's New Page
   it's private  

by ChangeDetection
Back To Emergency Theater Live
Patti Keiper (Anotherjaneway)  NREMT-B Emergency Theater Live Founder  USA
The latest music to date has been added to a downloadable zip file for all readers to preview the music which may be chosen for future episodes of Emergency at ETL. Click the guitar to download the 54 midis music track zip file.   Click Gage tending DeSoto to download the latest ETL episodes customized screensaver featuring music and images from episodes 35-45.  Click the exploding squad for twenty one new Emergency icons.
June 1st, 2007
Music files in midi form being considered for future ETL Emergency episodes. 1.7 MB size download in a zip file.
Leads to the latest ETL screensaver. Click Episode Scenes Screensaver 4 for the newest one to date. Size 4.3 MB unzipped, self installing.
Click to go to the Emergency icons download page. The new icons are located at the bottom of this page. Click the zip file link at the top behind the alternating image banner link to download all icons with how to use instructions. June 2007.
New book about Emergency the series due to release in October 2007.
A new book is due to be published  on the actual series. Contains unfilmed scripts, special effects, stunts, and more. Click the book cover for further information
A date has been set for the release of the final season of Emergency on DVD. Click the cover above for more info.
Choose CA-L.A.Co.Fire from the left side drop down menu to listen to live streaming EMS and Fire calls from L.A. Dispatch for Verdugo and Long Beach, California, areas very near the site of the real Station 127 (Fictional Station 51 from the series).
Click Sam and choose
CA-L.A.Co.Fire from the site's leftmost menu to connect into dispatch listening mode.
 Link to a page tracking Engine 51's move into retirement. :)
Click the banner above to join a page that is tracking Engine 51's move into retirement. She has her old # back!!
New Photo! Click here.
Leads back to the ETL
Click the DVD cover for the full article.
Release Date March 29th, 2011!
September 11, 2015
Updated 12-18-08
Burning Water Movie Five How will Karen Overstreet manage her new career? Visit the writer's site to read the latest scenes being written before a live audience or view the TV set for the next music tracked and imaged story, ETL Episode Fifty Eight finishing production September 4th, 2016. Click play to view this episode story's trailer video.
Click the fish to listen to one of the most beautiful soundtracks ever made for the Emergency series.
Beginning production September 7th,  2015. Movie Five-Burning Water. Episode Fifty Eight.
Click the hydrant to save this episode's video trailer.

video trailer.